Review Policies

I am not currently accepting review requests.

I read mostly fiction sans horror. I've also been known to read and use a cookbook or twenty.

I do not enjoy and therefore, do not read stories of glorified cheating or dark content. I do enjoy m/f monogamous relationships and Happily Ever After stories, regardless of angst or drama.

I review books that I am awarded from Goodreads, LibraryThing, and NetGalley. In addition to library ebooks, I also read ink and paper books purchased from non-profit thrift shops and borrowed at my local library.

My star ratings are as follows:

I loved this book and I'll tell every bibliophile I know. I will definitely re-read in the future. You will find this on my bookshelf and most likely in my e-reader.

I found this book engaging, entertaining, and/or thought provoking. I may purchase.

It was enjoyable and I finished it. This was a combination of liked, disliked, and/or feeling completely neutral.

At some point, there is a rather enormous probability that I threw this book across the room. This book didn't appeal to me but I finished it.  I understand why others liked this book even when I did not.

I did not enjoy this book. At all. Not my cup of tea.